I was thinking about this year, and it is hard to believe that we are almost done with 2008! It is probably one of the most difficult year to give thanks for, as our country goes through struggles not seen in decades. But in whatever circumstances, I know that there are plenty to be thankful for ~(^_^)~
When we were in Utah, we went up a really flimsy (and scary) lift called the "Peruvian Express" up from Alpine slide, the ski resort we stayed at.
It was a 15 minute ride up to 11,000 ft. above sea level, and hubby, one who loved hiking yet was afraid of heights, developed really cold hands the whole time en route. We went into a very famous "Peruvian Tunnel" after reaching the top of the Snowbird Summit, and inside the tunnel it was freeeeeeezing, like the freezer in Costco. *_* We walked in the 3/4 mile tunnel, and it was wet, dark, and cold. It felt like an eternity before we reached the end of the tunnel. A bright light ahead was our only hope and motivation for moving forward. It was so bright when we reached there! And warm too, with beautiful hills and flowers awaiting us at the other end!
This year totally felt like a dark, freezing tunnel, as the economy turned ice cold and people suffered terribly financially and in relaionships. *_* But we know that at the end of the tunnel there are bright, beautiful things waiting for us. Things we cannot fathom yet, but God already prepared them in advance if we would just hang in there, keep going, and press on. We will look back and see that God has carried us through, and never left our side when we feel alone in the darkness.
So I'm thankful in 2008 for...
Support....of loved ones in my life and brothers and sisters in my neighborhood, cyber world, and church. It is through your encouragement that I continue to press on and experience God's goodness...through you!
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Strength...Health is something I took for granted until I nearly lost it. When I regained it, I treasured it like never before!
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Stability....I've never been more thankful for the roof over my head, food on my table, and resources like medical care and a job (hubby's) to pay the bills . These days, whenever there's a little bit of wind, there's a big brushfire, like this morning we woke up watching Symore Firestorm burning hundreds of houses. $$$ is tighter than ever and people are losing homes and jobs.
Having food (which is very expensive now), shelter, and medical care are big luxuries nowadays. When we go on countryside mission trip in mid-December, I know we will be even more grateful for the things we take for granted here in the United States.
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Salvation.... is the best news in the world! No matter what happens here in this world, we know that at the end of the tunnel, there's a beautiful paradise waiting for us! I can't wait!! In the meantime, I will do my best with my responsibilities here, and I hope that my Lord will one day say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"
For some of you, I may see you next year! We're returning from our Mission on 1/1/09! So Merry Christmas and Happy New Years in advance, too!
# of days until Mission Possible ~ _26__!