when I discovered......*gasp* that..... Hammie is GONE! She's not in her cage.....and both
of the cage doors were not secured! It must be Abbie last night.... The cage is very clean, no poopy....so she must have escaped early in the night!
A VERY tired and raggedy Fugitive ~ Hammy ~ is FOUND in the noisy laundry room!! |
I looked everywhere, upstairs and down......'while Abbie slept (good thing hubby had
left for work).....and after 1 hour...started feeling dizzy (I walked in the A.M. and
worked in the garden before discovering someone escaped...)...
I told Abbie that Hammy excaped, and she looked around with me for another hour....
To our surprise....we saw a little ball behind the dryer when I was putting clothes into
it! I can't believe hammy slept like a baby when it's SUPER noisy in the laundry room!
Super Sleepy... Zzzz.....After a night partying (somewhere in our house)!! |
I guess life is like a house with kids & hamsters ~ You never know what you'll get (^_^)!
But it's very memorable when I look back and realize how fun every is....for without
them....Life would be BORING! But I also learned to stay calm....and whenever we run
into unexpected disasters like this.................PRAY!!!!
Happy Summer!