
Duckie Soup for my Beloved's Soul 心靈鴨湯 #1 ~ When Ugly Duckling Got Saved!!

Our daily "Hug" and "Head Massage" Session! (Self-snapped lop-sided picture)

Today is the 7th day since we've had Quacker, our 8.5 week old Mallard duckling! When she arrived 7 days and 12 hours ago, she was not a big hit with hubby. In fact, he railed at me from upstairs as we introduced Quacker into our home (after sleeping in the hallway inside her crate all night). She's not an indoor duck, but I thought it'd be good to kick off her 'first morning' home with a hearty indoor welcome!

Our brownish, loud, slightly wild, sloppy poopy bird scrambled around the dining room floor, quacking and screaming at everyone she encountered! Hubby hollered to get her outside, and it began to rain precisely at the moment Abbie, Quacker and I got jettisoned out into the yard ....

I almost returned duckie home the next day, thinking we can't have her here if hubby's not completely ready (though Abbie and I've been hinting for several days of our upcoming duckie-sitting mission)! Of course, after 7 days, the situation took a complete 180 degree turn!

Today ~ still on a Sunday morning, we let out and played with duckie outside in the yard. She saw a spider strolling across the lawn and ran full force and snatched the critter into her bills, nibbling contently! Hubby was amazed, and declared that 'she's a keeper' if she could eat these pests ESP. his most dreaded enemy ~ Mr. Cricket! So apparently, Quacker has made her way into our home...and our hearts!

Duckie was a cast-away, an "Easter photo studio prop", in fact! She was mail-ordered for $4 by the photo shop to take holiday pictures with kids, then destined to be thrown into the wilderness with little chance of survival. The farmer's wife learned of her fate and kept her and 3 siblings from their formidable fate.

Quacker and siblings (and Ursula the white duck) at 4 weeks!

Through Craiglist 'farm and garden' section, I learned that Farmer Lana was looking for "Duck Sitter"! What perfect opportunity for us to bring a special life into our family (as Abbie's been begging for one for months!), and learn to appreciate God's creation (and supplying our own eggs....if she lays!)

So last Saturday night, duckie found herself in a crate, carried to our home as a 'party favor' after we attended the farmer's 9 yr old daughter's birthday party! The farm she lived in had lots of animals, but it was a bit crowded and ducklings ignored people and only flocked together. Her life changed dramatically in the past few days, and for an 8 week old duckling, she taught me a lot!

Quacker ~ 2 hours before we took her home

We all, like Quacker, have waddled astray. We are alike in many ways than we can imagine! It may be our ill-fate as castaways in a family which ignores/overprotects us, our not-so-appealing looks, our health issues robbing us of joy and hope, our poopy attitudes/relationship tensions with others, our weird temper, or the mess we get ourselves into, separating us from the love we could have shared with our loved ones.

Whatever it may be, however miniscule we feel, remember that there is someone out there who loves you so much that He willingly and without any regret gave His life for you. Even if you feel like you're only worth a couple bucks, or half a penny (as sparrows were in the olden days), remember that your Father, your Creator, knows your every thought and how many hairs are on your head.

Milk from a cup!

After duckie arrived, she lived a life of Princess Quacker. She is handfed by servant girl Abbie, with delicacies like Uncle Peter's gourmet pasta, premium Costco salad, chinese opo and empty-heart veggie, fresh milk in a cup, sweet cherries and home-grown blueberries!

Chinese veggies ~ Yum!

She has her own "Safety 1st" tub, a brand new pink Toys "R" Us kiddie pool, fresh hay and pine bedding, and daily hug-sessions and head/neck massages!

I love my tub!!

When we respond to the care and protection of our Heavenly Father, our life takes a turn for the best! When we were destined for depression and rejection, Christ comes into our life and takes us under His wing. We may not be pretty-looking or 100% healthy, but we are joyful, confident, and relaxed, knowing that the One who made us, gave His life for us, and loves us unconditionally, will take care of our every need.

He even counts our hairs AND collects them in a precious box (just as Abbie did with Quacker's feathers!), to enjoy and treasure, not because of our beauty, but because of His love and affection for us!!!
Abbie collects and counts the feathers which fell from duckie's tummy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you. What a wonderful message and what a darling duck! (Abbie teacher)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable! Abbie was so cute with duckie ... and Sophy was so in charge of the whole situation. She is such a creative and talented young lady. I had seen the first email and was telling some of my friends at supper about it. Also, our memory of Sophy when we first met ... a little doll with black hair parted in the middle, straight bangs and long braids. How proud we are of her and her devotion to God.
(Grandma Sunny)

Anonymous said...

Dear Soph,

Thank you for sharing!! I enjoyed reading your blog, it's very Sophie! :) Thank you for being such great friend, I enjoyed hanging out with you very much~~

Your sweet Quacker is very famous now! I met Jen-Jen this morning and Janet this afternoon, they both mentioned about your new addition. :)

I just brought Steph and Nath to the lake in Heritage Park, we saw lots of wild duck there. Then I thought about you and Quacker. :)

Have a beautiful week!!