
Hello Sweet Chickies! Welcome to Our Family! (^_^)

On 4/11, Abbie and I looked at a Craiglist post about baby chicks just 10 days old! So ...
we did the unthinkable and drove to Saigon with bird carrier in car! We went and saw the most adorable puff balls in the world! 

The owner decided on two different color/breed chicks saying that it would be a more interesting flock, and they were the yellow Buff Orphington and owl-patterned brown Welsummer (Hybrid of 4 kinds of breeds). They are super cute and fall over and sleep whenever they are tired, even when they are halfway through eating! SOOO adorable!

The chicks were just the size of my fist when they first came, and we had to use Caleb's study light with a disco white lightbulb (100 watt) which was really cool! They were nice and cozy (but not so hot that they cooked...) and slept a lot!

Mocha suddenly flops over fast asleep while eating...

They even slept on my lap and shoulders! I took daily naps with them while the kids watched "Arthur" for an hour at 3pm! Abbie also fell asleep playing with the chicks (or waiting for the chicks to nap...).

They kept me company while I did house chores or walked on my treadmill (Yes, I got a treadmill too)! Hubby wasn't thrilled about both the chicks AND the treadmill and nagged a lot about them taking up space and were noisy....but thankfully after 2 months, he had given up any hope of these 3 special gifts I got for myself and started to enjoy them too!

The chicks slept in a large laundry bin until one day (week 6?) hubby declared they are sleeping outside TONIGHT! I'm not sure why but maybe their midnight chirping sounds are driving him insane and there were feathers wherever he sat (^_^).

It is a fun 7

weeks since we got Nugget and Mocha....and lo and behold they quadrupled in size! They look like the big soy sauce chickens you see hanging in Sam Woo store window! Scary! And they don't look like the cute chubby baby Easter chicks you see in Photography studio pictures anymore! At 2 months old they look gigantic.... and Mocha looks like a roadrunner with reddish head feathers and has a creepy looking gray fluffy beard that taunts me... to grab my scissor and cut them off. I'm not sure why she suddenly became a bearded,  chubby girl?!! Maybe their plummage will keep changing and one day grow into more normal-looking chickens. I hope Mocha is not a man...bird.


I'm looking forward to having them lay their first eggs around late September, when they are about 6 months old! So excited! Their eggs will be brown eggs. I will trade them for yummy pastries my church mommy friends make, hahahaha! So I'm feeding them organic non-GMO chick feed, the 1st ever certified feed in the U.S., from Scratch and Peck company! So their eggs will be nice and organic too! Abbie keeps them healthy and free-range muscular by chasing them many times after school....in the yard....so they hide when they see her come through the door! (^_^)

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