
Abbie's New Adventure in Kid's Kingdom!

Abbie loves learning from her morning teacher, Miss Rosie!

Abbie's first week of school! She hopped out of the car and dashed for her classroom! I've never seen enthusiasm as this!

Abbie had been anticipating the opening of her new preschool for some time now! Finally, this week she officially started in her new preschool at Calvary Chapel RSM! It's called, "Kid's Kingdom" Preschool!

We couldn't believe it, there are currently only 3 girls in her Tuesday/Thursday class! And when daddy picked her up after work, he was surprised that Abbie was the only one in school from lunchtime until 5:50pm! It's definately private education, with a teacher:kid ratio of 1:3, then 1:1 after lunch! I can't imagine her napping in a little cot at school all by herself!

I peeked from the hallway in her first day of circle time and took pictures of them. It was wonderful to hear the teacher read "Little Prayers for Little Girls" and other Bible stories to the kids! They even prayed together before lunch! We are so blessed by the school's love and attention to detail ~ especially regarding Abbie's food allergies!

Abbie looks forward to the fun and individual attention here! It's a brand new school and maybe more kids will join her as the year progresses, but for now, we're enjoying every minute of it! Thank you for your prayers everyone! And by the way, when Abbie got home, she started to 'teach' her students (a bunch of Disney princesses) and sat them in circle time (and nap!)...just like Miss Rosie! (^_^)

Today Caleb and I picked up Abbie, since hubby's on a business trip. It's Caleb first time at CCRSM and he couldn't help playing the fun toys in the classroom!

We got a picture of her afternoon teacher, Miss Daniela! She is very gentle and kind to the kids!

Abbie's homework today was the letter B! There were pictures of a bell, butterfly, and Bible! The Bible verse today was "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you!". This was the verse our pastor encouraged us with (and even asked us to sing in the middle of his sermon) this past Sunday! Wow! God is surely creative in reminding us of important promises, isn't he? Abbie's homework encouraged me a lot too!

Today is a rainy day, and I bet the slides are wet! Yet the kids couldn't help but play for awhile in the playground before we left the school!

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