
Whose Face Do You Resemble? ^_^

This week, Caleb got an interesting homework assignment.... I'm thinking maybe it's Father's Day coming up? The teacher asked the kids to write down mom and dad's physical and personality differences...and in the middle is a circle representing Caleb's overlapping features of both parents.

What is interesting is that I recently discovered that not only do our kids display distinct personality differences (e.g. Caleb very quiet and low key like dad, Abbie very talkitive and social like mom), but our other pair of kids, Kobee boy and Jubee girl are exactly the same!

Notice how little Kobee talks compared with Jubee girl.... ^_^

Even if it's not the talking genes inherited from me or Abbie, our family's 3rd girl ~ chubby Jubee ~ obviously loves to talk (and pretend cry?) as much as we girls do! Little boy Kobee, as you can see, just sits and looks around, maybe bites me occasionally ~ But he's observant, quiet, and mellow, like daddy and Caleb! Maybe God made women from the guys' ribs ~ to be his LUNGS. ^_^

Notice how little Caleb talks compared with little sister... ^_^

Most importantly, I suppose we all are little representations of our Heavenly Father, hence "Christians". So I'm learning that when we spend time with our Heavenly daddy in the Word and in prayer, we display His likeness and temperament too!

Early Happy Father's Day to the dear daddies out there!


Tony said...

future worship leader

Our Family Circus ^_^ said...

Hm...does it mean Tony L. thinking of leading songs? or is it Matthew? Sounds like a good idea! ^_^