
Abbie's Big "4" and Daddy's Big "40"!

Abbie's Big 4! Click here for Slideshow!

Two days ago we had a gigantic Birthday Bash!! Starting from August, every day Abbie wakes up, jumps to my room and asks, "Is it my Birthday yet? I gonna be 4!"

And finally....at 7am on September 19, she jumps on my bed and asks, "Mommy, is it my birthday today? I gonna be 4?" And I can say, "YESSSSSSSSSSS! And by the way, daddy's almost 40, too! We're celebrating his big 40 with homer simpson candle and a big 4-0 candle! Hahaha.....enjoy your last few days of your 30's, baba!

We set up the party place with the help of our early arrived guests (THANK YOU ALL!), then played water balloons, egg hunt, and Pinata! The cow refused to let its goodies out and the kids had to break all of its legs to get the rice crackers (which cracked into pieces big time....not very edible......)

We finally got our lunch 45 minutes after the food was expected to arrive...because the restaurant driver's GPS took him to the other side of Ladera...and he went in the loops 15 times!

We are so blessed to have so many good friends and family! We sang the happy birthday song and friends helped us set up the cake, clean up, take pictures!

Everyone headed off to the swimming pools and water park! Abbie and I stayed and enjoyed our cake when everyone's not looking. She went back and forth between 2 plates of yummy cake slices! Thank you all for your love!

Whether we are 4, 40, or 104, today.....let us live each day to the fullest, because the 'present' is a gift from God!

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

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