
Three Amigos (Pita, Fajita & Doritos) & One Panda fish!

Today we had to exchange Blue Baby (platy) for another platy because she is too nippy! Abbie and I went to PetCo to see who we could trade her for.

Mickey meets Panda

After an hour, we decided to get (Kung Fu) Panda, a panda platy! The store owner said that tetras need to swim in a group of 3, so we got 2 more Pristella tetras to keep "Pita" company! The "3 Amigos" tetras' names are ~ "Pita, Fajita, and Dorito"!
"3 Amigos" ~ Pita, Fajita & Dorito

Welcome home guys! Now we have 7 in our Underwater Family! (^_^)

Here's Abbie taking a bath with our Senegal parrot, Kobee! He's been taking baths with us lately and loooves to get wet! Don't try this at home, guys!


Post Scriptus: Two days after this was written, we brought Panda back to PetCo 'cuz he wasn't looking too well. He stayed on the bottom corner of the tank all day. We figured he needed a fish doctor so we brought him back to the store. We decided to hold off getting more 'cuz 5 fishies and 1 shrimp is pretty close to capacity. And Mickey looks like she may explode and give us tons of frys (not french fries, but baby fishes) so we'll keep the tank open!

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