
All Caleb Wants for Christmas 2009 Is.....

Yup, that's what our little Caleb would like for Christmas....his One Front Tooth! Apparently, while I was breathing methodically during Wii Yoga yesterday, a bloodcurling, "Owwww!" broke the silence. I rushed to the crime scene and saw a piano chair turned over, big bro on the floor crying, and little sister running for cover. Sis had decided to push the piano chair onto her unsuspecting brother's face. (Note: See 2/6/09 blog entry to see piano chair and kids running frantically around it. Sooner or later this catastrophe would happen, I suppose.)

Poor boy had bleeding, wiggly front tooth and we iced it up and called our friend Tony, an orthodontist, and his wife Marian. They suggested we go to an acquaintance of his, our neighborhood pediatric dentistry. It'll be a new dental clinic we're visiting, but I think it's good to have one near home, in case of sports emergency or sister attack in the future.

Can you see Caleb's X-ray below? The X-ray was posted onto their computer in 5 minutes! This wiggly baby tooth would soon be replaced by the budding adult tooth anyways, so we'll just wait! Caleb enjoyed "Nemo" videogame so much and didn't realize he was being examined! Ha!
I'm so thankful that there's no permanent damage to his tooth, and that no root canal was needed. We drove one block down the street to celebrate with yummy "Swirlz" frozen yogurt! Whew! What a wonderful day! Last night when we prayed for Caleb's injury, Abbie insisted that, "It jus an acciden, mama, acciden!" Thank God for friends, prayers, and a close call!

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