
A Berry Fun Day!

Today, Abbie and I had a BLAST at the Strawberry (Tanaka) Farm in Irvine! I've never seen strawberries the size of plums! Wow! I was chaperoning her preschool class and we got to sit on a huge, dusty, diesel-smelling, noisy tractor (I felt like I was getting deported back to the borders, hahaha ^_^) and the tour guide stopped at various places to show us a vast farmland of vegetables.

So like rabbits, we had a continual feast of raw veggies (e.g. radishes, cilantro, romaine lettuce, sweet snap peas, spinach, and carrots) which the farmer pulled straight from the good organic earth ~ Man, wish I had brought my italian dressing!

Abbie tasted each of them, then threw the veggies out of the tractor (which was acceptable protocol, in lieu of tossing them at parents or teachers, explained the tour guide), but surprisingly, she ate the whole stalk of the carrot! We picked and ate and picked and ate gigantic strawberries like there was no tomorrow.

What a berry fun day indeed! There is nothing like a freshly picked strawberry (and veggie), since all veggies/fruits are picked a month or two ahead of time and taken to the grocery stores.

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