
Election Day is here!

Today is the BIG DAY! Whoa! No matter what happens, we will turn a historical page as we will either have our 1st African-American president, or 1st Woman Vice-President! ^_^

Good thing no matter what happens, God is in control! Woohooo!

Have a nice day, everyone! And mark your ballot sheet carefully! It'll be funny if Barack or McCain didn't look carefully and fill out the bubble next to their competitor's name! ha! I'll bring Caleb to our clubhouse to 'cast our absentee ballot' so we can get the 'I VOTED' sticker!

Lemme attach a pix from our visit to the Olympic Park at Salt Lake City, UT. where they held Winter Olympics 2002.

Time to eat Wendy's 1/4 lb burger and side salad with Italian vinagrette...


Anonymous said...

Hi Soph,
I was kind of disaapointed when I heard the result. Oh well, it's all in God's hand.

BTW, where is the place? It dosen't look like California, is it Utah? That looks fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Soph,

I bookmarked your blog. Nice work.
Both Zoe and I don't know how to pronounce "Soph" Is it same as Sophie?


Our Family Circus ^_^ said...

Yeah, it is in Salt Lake City, Utah! They held 2002 Winter Olympics there! The athletes actually competed there, and we were sitting in the sledmobiles or standing next to the platform they jumped off of!

Soph is short for Sophie, which is short for Sophia... The more people know me, the shorter my name becomes. My mom calls me, "So"!

Thanks for comments!